Conservative NFL Coaches

New study shows that professional football coaches tend toward conservative decision-making behavior

I didn’t shed a single tear when the Vikings fired Mike Tice because of the above. There are two good reasons to have some balls every now and then. One, as mentioned in the article above, it increases your chance of winning! I always think of the Ice Bowl when Lombardy went for 2 points after the touchdown because it was cold and he wanted people to be able to go home. No NFL coach today has balls that big. They’d all go for the tie like a bunch of pussies.

The other reason to have balls is that it changes the momentum. The winning team is almost always the team that feels like they are winning. If you feel like you are losing and then the coach covers his balls with his hands and calls the pussy-ass conservative play, you will feel more like a loser than you did before. Mike Tice, when with the Vikings, missed a lot of opportunities to have some balls and change the momentum and he never did it once. Not a single time. Not one punt fake, not one field goal fake, rarely ever going for it on 4th down. He was a coward and that is why he is not a head coach anymore.

To me, this is the whole downside of political conservatism as well. It is the policy that change is bad, implying that things are perfect now. This is a philosophy that is almost always wrong.

Conservative NFL Coaches

The Lolife Podcast No. 59

While the thought of agreeing with Christian xenophobes like Shelly the Republican scares the bejeezus out of me, as someone who is radically secular, the thought of religious folks demonstrating because the press did not follow their religious laws just pisses me off. This has nothing to do with Muslims to me — I’d be just as pissed if it was Christians, Jews or Hindus. I’ve posted about this subject on my blog a couple of times and I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, but here is the audio version anyway.

No. 59: Cartoon Controversy


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The Lolife Podcast No. 59

Oh, The Irony

If you draw a cartoon suggesting that Islam is a religion of violence, Muslims prove you right.

I do not think Islam is a religion of violence, but you’d be hard pressed to reach that conclusion given the ridiculous response to this issue by Muslims. We need rational Muslims to calm this thing down. Do not expect non-Muslims to honor Islamic law. It ain’t gonna happen, folks. Violence in response to a cartoon — ANY cartoon — is ridiculous and I condemn it.

Oh, The Irony


Question: Right, and so you know all the procedures and how to maintain the proper line and distance between you and other hunters, and all that. So how, in your judgment, did this happen? Who — what caused this? What was the responsibility here?

Cheney: Well, ultimately, I’m the guy who pulled the trigger that fired the round that hit Harry. And you can talk about all of the other conditions that existed at the time, but that’s the bottom line. And there’s no — it was not Harry’s fault. You can’t blame anybody else. I’m the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend. And I say that is something I’ll never forget.

Thanks for saying it was your fault. I was hoping you’d do the right thing, like any good hunter would, and state roughly what you stated. Mistakes do happen, but the guy that pulls the trigger bears all of the responsibility.


Free Jill Carroll


My grandma’s maiden name is Carroll and this woman looks a little like us. I don’t know if we are related or not, but it has given me an extra interest in this situation. I doubt there is anything I can do to help, but we have got to Jill Carroll out of there safely.

We always like to brag about our military: send in the special forces, kill her captors and get her the hell out of there now.

Free Jill Carroll

The Sacred and the Humorous

The BBC has an article about the row over the caricature of Muhammad that was printed in the Denmark press.

I don’t like picking on Muslims. I don’t understand them, for the most part, and therefore I am not really qualified to criticize them. I do have a right to my opinion, though, and my opinion is you cannot expect the entire world to share your definition of what is sacred! Nor can you expect the press to censor themselves to make sure you are not offended.

Be offended if you want, but it is ludicrous to expect that the world will change to make sure you are never offended. God, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses — they are all fair game as far as I’m concerned.

The Sacred and the Humorous