
I think some people get confused. This is your life. This is it. One shot. That’s it. If the universe is 14 billion years old (which is what we think), your life will occur in roughly 0.0000006% of it. You are nothing. You are a rounding error. The span of your life, roughly speaking, never happened. This is for you. You are here for you. Not to go wild in some extreme exercise of hedonism, but to live a life worth living. Whether you are you or Jesus you will be forgotten. Nothing has an impact on the largest time scales. This is not a message of hopelessness. It’s a message of hopefulness. You are here, right now, and it is a fucking miracle. You are a miracle. You are an ungodly unlikelyhood. The odds of you happening are basically zero. You are alive, dammit, and that is a wonderful gift. Get up, brush yourself off, forgive yourself and get on with doing the real work of your life. You know what to do and, by god, it is time to do it. Live. Thrive. Be. Go.


The LoLife Podcast No. 34

It’s not very often that I get to agree with a Republican. I heard Christine Todd Whitman on NPR talking about her book It’s My Party Too. I agree: the radical right-wing is moving farther and farther from the conservative base that really gives the GOP its power. This podcast is rantings on this, one of my favorite topics, how The Republicans Are Running Amok.


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The LoLife Podcast No. 34

The LoLife Podcast No. 32

Here is a rant from my screen porch about driving. I’ve discovered that my PowerBook’s internal mic is really not the way to go with this. The fan turns on and is louder than hell. Anyway, while it is an annoying topic in a lot of ways, I think it is an issue that needs more discussion: The Art of Driving.


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The LoLife Podcast No. 32