God Bless America

I often say “bless you” to people, like when they bring me a cold frosty Summit Extra Pale Ale. I like the phrase, even though I’m an atheist. But I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU JESUS! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

The United States of America did the right thing. We made history tonight but more importantly, we chose an excellent man for the job.

God Bless America.

God Bless America

4 thoughts on “God Bless America

  1. lalune says:

    Just curious why you choose to invoke God and Jesus to express you overwhelming joy? are you sure that being an athiest doesn’t make this mockery? 😉

    I’m all for icy cold Summit EPA and high intellectuals in the Oval Office.


  2. fishdweeb says:

    It is always impressive that we can change ‘power’ without bloodshed.

    I am a “balance of power” person. I am a little concerned in that area but am anxious for change.


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