3 thoughts on “The LoLife Podcast No. 41

  1. Ray Randall says:


    I have been listening to your podcast for two or three months now. I wanted to let you know I really enjoy your viewpoints. I know you sometimes question the listenership that is out here. Let me tell you, your podcast is one of the ones that I must listen to whenever it comes out.

    I have noticed since you began doing the podcast in the car with the iRiver that it sounds like someone is constantly shuffling or crunching paper like when you crush paper in to a ball. It’s weird.

    Love the show…keep it up and I’ll keep listening.


  2. Mike,
    great podcast.
    What a way to get technology. I wish I got a technology upgrade just for ejaculating myself.

    I must say, I am intrigued by your comments on Halloween and making amends.

    Keep the “life commentary” coming. I’ll be listening!


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